Alexia Myers Image
About Me

  My name is Alexia Myers. I am about to graduate in May of 2024 with a Bachelor's in digital Media Technology focusing in Web development. If you look on the "Programming" page you will see programming projects I have worked on. I am excited to continue learning in the future.

  Thanks to a couple college jobs, in which I worked as part of IT/Tech Services as well as System Administrations, I have proficient hardware skills. You can see more of how I built this website and my server by checking out the "Hosting this Website" page!

(add several different skills here in forms of buttons such as certain topics like "programming, photos, server management, learn about me and anything else you can think of")

  This a personal project of mine that I created to easily display my qualifications, education, and future projects. This website itself was built from scratch using microsoft visual studio code. I used references from old class projects, but have continuously updated them to display my new skills and styles that fit me as a web developer.

  I found my way into becoming student dean at my University. With this position, I communicate between my student board peers, the dean, and his assistant directly to plan student events being held on campus. I have been really trying to focus on creating opportunities for students to get involved with community service, as helping others and the world we live in is a goal of mine.

  I am a first-generation college student. My family does not have much and I was never expected to get a college education. However, with the help of my significant other, I graduated Richland Community College with an associates and am now on track to finish my Bachelor at an Illinois University at the end of spring 2024. I went to Richland because it allowed me to get halfway through my degreee at a much cheaper cost.

  During the 2023 spring semester, I worked on an internship with Team-Swami and my job was to test a program designed to allow schools to digitally test students. My job was to find critical errors within the program. I can proudly say that I found a few errors. I completed this internship at the end of the semester; however, I plan to work with them again for the 2023/2024 school year. Along with this, I have also accepted an on campus job that is also IT related. It is a system administration and network connections office.

If you like what you see here, please send me a message on any of the social networking sites listed below, or through my email.

My Linkedin